Mating Season (Morgan Clan Bears, Book 1) Read online

Page 8

  “Thank you,” she said as Drake pulled out her chair. She took her seat and Drake slid into the one beside her. Rex and Gunner sat across from them. The two heads of the table were empty.

  “Go ahead,” Drake encouraged, relaxing in his seat.

  Tessa remembered their pride at letting the women in their home eat first. She plated her food and cut into the first bite. When she looked up, the men were staring at her. Making a sound of approval, she nodded and quickly swallowed her food. “This is delicious. Please, eat.”

  Gunner smiled widely and waved for his brothers to go first. Satisfied with her response, Drake dug into his food. Rex kept his head down as he did the same.

  “Tell us about your life before you met this human male,” Gunner blurted, causing Drake to glare over his beer bottle. Tessa took a sip of wine and set her glass down with shaky hands.

  “I’m from Chicago, but moved to the panhandle of Florida after my divorce,” she began, taking a moment to keep from getting emotional over missing her family. Bonnie Holland, her mother, and Ross, her older brother, were the only family she had contact with anymore. “My mother and brother are there. They moved with me when the divorce from Bradley was final. He threatened to hurt them, as well. So, I moved to Tulsa to keep them safe.”

  “Have you talked to your family at all?” Rex asked, finally looking up from his plate. She hadn’t spent much time with him, but she liked him. His eyes flashed gold, and she placed her hands in her lap to squeeze them together. She wouldn’t show fear around them. She’d done too much of that with Bradley.

  “I called my mother after Bradley attacked me in Tulsa,” she admitted. God, her mother had been so upset, she flew straight from Pensacola to come help her. “She came to Oklahoma, and as soon as I was healed enough, I sent her home. I told my mom I was going to run again, and when things were okay, I would call her.”

  “Have you talked to her since you’ve been here?” Drake pressed, reaching over to take her hand under the table. He didn’t mention anything about the way she wrung them with her nervousness.

  “I have.” She smiled sadly. “I only talk to her every few months, because I don’t want anyone knowing where I am.”

  “What about your father?” Gunner asked as he paused in consuming his meal fit for a king.

  “We don’t speak,” she said, gritting her teeth.

  “Why not?” Drake asked, moving his body closer to her. He held a protective posture as he waited for her reply.

  “Because he is the one who told Bradley where I was in Tulsa,” she growled.

  The three men around her exploded out of their chairs. Drake, Rex, and Gunner started yelling about fathers taking care of their daughters. All three men bared their fangs as they cursed. The skin around their eyes bubbled as if they were on the verge of shifting like Drake had done the night before.

  “Please,” she begged, hoping she could stop them from turning into bears in their own home. “Sit down.”

  “Your own father sent that human to hurt you!” Drake was so angry. Tessa shivered from the power he gave off with his hatred of what she’d told him.

  “There’s more to the story,” Tessa promised, reaching out to touch Drake’s hand. He relaxed and looked down at her. “Please, sit.”

  Tessa held back the tears, because her own father had ratted her out to the man who was harming her. “My father didn’t want me to divorce Bradley.”

  “Why?” Drake asked once he finally relaxed. His expression turned from anger to worry.

  “I really don’t know,” she answered, shaking her head. “He just tried to tell me everything was going to be okay and I needed to stay with him, because he didn’t want me to go through what my parents went through when they divorced.”

  “Divorce is so common with humans,” Gunner snarled. “I really don’t understand how you cannot find a true mate amongst yourselves.”

  “Some do find their mates,” Tessa offered. “Mine just wasn’t with the man I thought. He told me all the things I wanted to hear, and I fell for it.”

  “I assure you, Tessa,” Rex nodded toward Drake, “we are bound by our paranormal nature. If his bear has claimed you, you were chosen by Mother Nature herself to be mated to my brother.”

  Why did she believe him?

  “I need a moment,” she said in a rush, standing up from her seat. All three men stood as she pushed her chair back in and ran toward Drake’s room. She locked herself in the bathroom.

  Tessa wiped away tears, kicking herself mentally for letting Rex’s words freak her out. Drake’s claim was valid. The shifters were different. Hell, everyone knew that. She hadn’t really paid much attention to the news of their discovery, because she had been too busy running away from Bradley.

  What little she’d read online was more speculation than truth. Tessa didn’t blame them. She wouldn’t want to be studied either.

  “Tessa,” Drake called out as he knocked softly on the door. “What’s wrong, little one?”

  “I’m sorry,” she sniffled as she opened the door. She walked out and took a seat on the edge of his bed. “I’m just a little overwhelmed by everything you and your brothers are saying to me.”

  “About you being my mate?” he asked, taking her chin with the back of his index finger. He only gave her a nudge, but she knew to look into his eyes.

  There was worry mixed with passion in his eyes. The dark-brown depths flickered gold as he released her to use his thumb to wipe away a lone tear that escaped her left eye. Once he was satisfied her face was void of tears, he returned his finger to the spot under her chin.

  “He was a dominant male, correct?” Drake asked, his voice steady and sure.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied in a whisper.

  “He didn’t respect you or your limits?” he continued. Tessa felt tears in her eyes again, but they didn’t fall over her lashes this time. Drake’s strength was enough for her to straighten her spine and continue to answer his questions.

  “No, he did not,” she sighed. “He got off on my fear.”

  “Did he strike you every time?”

  “Yes,” she flinched, remembering the nights she’d be cowered in the corner of the kitchen as he took a belt to her body.

  Drake growled, “Where did he strike you?”

  “There wasn’t a spot he didn’t use the belt on me,” she admitted, still looking into his eyes.

  “I want you to tell me exactly what he did to you so that when I find him, I can return every strike to him before I take his life,” Drake promised.

  “My feet, legs, ass,” she paused to take a deep breath, “my breasts, my face…everywhere, Drake.”

  “Thank you for trusting me with your past, Tessa,” Drake whispered, and released her. “Come here.”

  Tessa stood, trusting Drake as he pulled her close. He used his large hand to cup the back of her head. He didn’t hesitate as he brought her head to his chest. “Tessa, I vow to you, I will always take care of you, and at no time will I ever raise a hand to you in anger. Everything I have told you about my kind has been nothing but the truth. It took one touch to know you were to be mine, and I will protect you, even if that means laying my life down for yours.”

  “Oh, Drake,” she cried. “Where have you been all this time?”

  “Waiting for you,” he said, ducking his head to capture her lips.

  The beast inside him roared so loudly, Drake couldn’t hear his own thoughts over the bear. It was a victory for all three of them; Tessa finally trusted him, he finally trusted her, and his bear finally felt at peace knowing his mate had been found.

  Tessa kissed him with the passion of a million lovers. Her lips were as soft as the wings of a butterfly, and the scent of honeysuckle that came from her skin was the potion that called to him. He wanted this little human, and every bit of past tragedy that came along with her.

  “If you tell me to stop, I will stop,” he said, touching the side of her face. He slid his hand around
the back of her neck and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. He kissed her again after moving his thumb down the center of her neck. She remained still as he memorized the feel of her skin against his palm. Oh, how he wanted to take her tonight, but he wouldn’t. She wasn’t ready for a mating. As bad as he ached to mount her, he would wait.

  “I don’t know if I want you to stop,” she swallowed.

  “I will have you, but today will not be the day,” he replied.

  “Drake…” She let her words fall off as he kissed her once again.

  “We will go for a walk in the woods,” he announced as he released her. Tessa swayed for a second where she stood but corrected herself and opened her eyes. The haze of desire was easy to see in them. “My beast needs to roam.”

  “Okay,” she breathed.

  “Come, little one,” he ordered. She took his hand as they emerged from the hallway leading to his room. Rex and Gunner had left when he got up from the table to check on her after a few minutes.

  Her plate was still on the table, and Drake pointed at it. “Finish eating.”

  She nodded and sat down. He busied himself with cleaning up the leftovers and washing dishes. He didn’t want to crowd Tessa. She’d already brought up too many emotions from her past, and tonight was supposed to be about them getting out for a stroll.

  Tessa obviously liked his bear and was genuinely curious. He looked over his shoulder and stared at the back of her head for a moment. He still couldn’t believe she was human…and a good one at that.

  She finished her wine and set her fork and knife on the plate before standing up to come over to the sink. “Let me clean the dishes.”

  “I’ve got it.” He smiled and took the plates, scrubbing them off and adding them to the dishwasher. “Go on out to the back porch, and I’ll be right there.”

  Tessa left out the door, and Drake’s bear prowled in his mind. He was ready to show Tessa the wooded land behind his home. It wanted her to be happy here, and he wanted to provide everything her heart desired.

  “Down, boy,” Drake mumbled as he wiped his hands.

  He kicked off his boots by the door and walked out onto the wooden porch. Tessa sat on the top step that led down to the yard. There was a cool breeze on the air since the sun had set. The moon was just starting to cast a glow across the backyard.

  “It’s dark in the woods,” Tessa observed as she looked out toward a trail he and his brothers used to enter the forest behind his home.

  Drake frowned. “I forget your eyesight isn’t like ours.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “We have enhanced vision and sense of smell,” he offered. “In my bear form, I can see at night as if it were day.”

  “Do you have a flashlight for me?”

  “No need for that,” he smiled. “You can climb on my back while we go for a walk.”


  “You heard me.” He winked and removed his shirt. He didn’t miss the blush on her pale cheeks when her eyes roamed his broad chest. He unbuckled his belt and the top button of his jeans before she turned away. He dropped his pants and removed his socks the moment his bear pushed for release.

  The change was fast, only taking a few seconds for his body to shift. The beast shook its head and huffed to get her attention. When she looked at him, the bear laid down on its belly at her feet.

  “I can’t believe you want me to do this,” she laughed, and the sound was beautiful.

  The bear huffed and used his long nose to nudge her hand. Drake’s human mind encouraged her to climb on, willing her to hear him. He didn’t think she’d be this apprehensive since she’d been so forthcoming with her questions.

  “Fine, but you better not run through the woods and let me fall off, Drake’s bear,” she huffed, and threw her leg over his back. The bear made a sound of contentment and waited until she was fully seated to begin walking toward the woods.

  Tessa leaned forward and laid against his back, drawing her feet up on the bear’s back. If Drake thought she was small before, feeling her on his back made her the tiniest human he’d ever seen. He continued to walk as she rested the side of her face against the back of his neck.

  The sound of his paws crunching over dead leaves from the winter were the only sounds around them. Any small animal that might be around would’ve run away already from the scent of his bear. It was so early in the spring, the bugs and frogs who sang at night were still quiet.

  He knew a spot he wanted to show her on his land. It was one he hoped she’d enjoy. Their home only sat on twenty acres of land to the west of their crops, but unlike the fields, their personal land was covered with trees. The only spot it was open was a small meadow next to a pond not far from his home.

  “Oh, this is beautiful,” she gasped softly as they came into the clearing. The moon was illuminating the water, and Tessa dropped off the bear’s back to get a closer look. “It looks like glass.”

  There was no breeze tonight, and the pond appeared that way with the moon shining off the water. The bear walked to the edge and dipped his front paws in, raking one across the water to splash Tessa. She yelped and jumped back but began laughing when she realized what he was doing.

  “How much of Drake is still in there?” she wondered aloud, reaching over to run her fingers through the thick fur on top of his head. Drake’s beast rumbled when she twirled her fingers around the top of his left ear. “I wish we could speak when you’re in this form.”

  Drake’s bear didn’t make any acknowledgements other than a gentle nod. Tessa watched him as he prowled over to a spot to their right by a clump of trees. He huffed as he laid on his side, telling his mate to come closer. Tessa stared into his eyes for a moment, and the bear made a jerking motion with its head before she did as she was told. He used his paw to pull her against his chest, and his female melted against him.

  “This is a beautiful spot,” she said.

  They both grew quiet as she tucked her hand under her head. With the other hand, Tessa picked at a few brown leaves on the ground.

  “I don’t want to run anymore,” she said after several minutes. “I like it here.”

  Drake’s bear huffed in response. Drake stopped it from snarling loudly at the thought of her leaving. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her even more. The male she’d been married to would pay for all the things he’d done to her. No dominant male should ever abuse their mate.

  “Can we go back to the house now?” she asked, blinking as if she were trying to stay awake.

  Drake’s bear nudged her side, indicating she should climb on his back. The moment she settled in, he began walking. The beast occasionally tested the air for scents, always protecting his mate. He would sense danger before it arrived, and he was ready to defend Tessa if the time came.

  The walk back was quiet, and for a bit of time, Drake was sure she’d fallen asleep on his back. By the time they reached the house, Rex and Gunner were sitting on the back porch. Both males stood up to walk toward the steps. He saw the happiness in his brothers’ eyes as they watched Tessa and Drake together.

  Something about Tessa softened his heart toward her kind. He couldn’t say that it was because she was a female. All shifters had special places in their hearts for them, but he truly thought it was Tessa’s aura and selflessness that called to them. She had a heart of gold.

  Drake stopped, allowing Tessa to slide off his back. He commanded his bear to return to his mind, and the shift began. Within seconds, he was human and his mate turned toward the house while he pulled on his jeans.

  “We are heading to the bar,” Rex announced, walking toward Drake. As he approached, Drake noticed his softness change into something harder, fiercer. “Going to take a look around town. I don’t trust this male.”

  “It’s important that I get with that sheriff,” Drake growled as he watched Tessa take a seat in a rocking chair on the back porch. He needed to find her ex-husband and kill him.

’ll see if he’s around tonight,” Rex replied, hooking his thumb over his shoulder. “Go spend some time with your mate. We have to work the fields tomorrow.”

  “Who is going to watch Tessa?” Drake panicked.

  “No one will come on our lands,” Rex promised.

  “We’ve been seen with her at the diner,” Drake argued, running his hand over the top of his head. “I don’t want her alone.”

  “She has to work tomorrow. I’m sure Gaia is more than capable of keeping Tessa safe,” Rex pointed out.

  “I’d still like someone else there,” Drake said. He didn’t want to leave her unprotected. Even with Gaia there, this male could do harm. “I’ll make a call to the cats.”

  “Drive her to and from work tomorrow and talk to the Shaw pride. I’ll find Sheriff Lynch.”

  Drake shook his brother’s hand and watched as he entered the house to yell for Gunner. The two of them said their goodbyes to Tessa and walked around the side of the house to Rex’s truck. A few seconds later, he heard the two doors open and close before Rex started the truck and left their land.

  He had Tessa to himself for the night, but she looked exhausted. As he held out his hand for her, she looked up at him with a softness that cracked his hardened heart. She was human, but perfect for him. He couldn’t hate her for the species she was born in to or blame her for the death of his parents.

  No, Tessa was perfect for him.

  “Are you ready for bed?”

  “Please,” she yawned, making a soft sound as she covered her mouth. “I have to get up early for work tomorrow.”

  “I will drive you to work, but I won’t be able to stay,” he stated. “We must get the seeds in the ground in the next few weeks, and we are already behind.”

  “Okay,” she frowned. “That’s fine. I can drive myself, but I need to get my car.”

  “No,” he shook his head, “I will drive you to and from work until we find him. Gaia knows how to get in touch with me if something happens.”

  Tessa nodded and walked ahead of him. He couldn’t help but watch the swing of her hips as she walked inside his home. She turned left down the first hallway off the living room and made her way into his living space.